Friday, May 27, 2011

Stormy Weather Again ~

Can We Go Out Yet?

My boys are SO... ready to get back out.  Look at Ace's little face ~ he's ready for some jumps!  We had just started the evening turn-out and they were loving it.  The pasture is so wet that they would probably tear it to pieces + we don't want to risk any broken legs or any other injuries from being silly in wet grass.

There's always work to do, however, even on rainy days.  That's what we call "Plan B".  It's a good time to straighten out the barn from the past winter.  New hay will be coming soon, cob-web's need to be swept out, fly traps hung, water buckets cleaned (again) ......its endless. 


  1. I know just how Ace feels, I bet my face looks like that when I look out at all of the rain here too...Someday it will be summer.

    Have a good weekend.

  2. Thanks for stopping by to visit.

    I agree, the work is never done on a farm.

  3. Yep the work never ends, our horses are living out full time, and so there is a lot of poo picking to be done. We haven’t got our stables ready yet, they still need floors to be put down, and they need straitening out because they sunk into the mud.

  4. Your horse looks so cute looking out of like that. I hope you've been able to go out since!

  5. Boy if that ain't the truth!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog ;) It is nice to see someone else understands that animals mean no vacation - hahahaha!
