Sunday, November 27, 2011

Christmas Tree


Thanksgiving meal went off without a hitch.  The turkey was done on time and a delicious bird with everyone's favorite sides.  The day was so beautiful, only blue skys.  It's been one of those family traditions that Thanksgiving night we take in a movie (daughters, boyfriends, anyone who is here gets to tag along).  That sort of kicks off the end of one holiday and jump starts the next.  We knew "Black Friday" was the next morning and everyone had to be at their posts.  One daughter was shopping, one daughter working at the outlet, and hubby in our store, and me left to finish Thanksgiving cleanup and animal duty at home.  One daughter went back out to the outlets which opened Thanksgiving night at 10:00 p.m. and said it was a zoo.  She said parking was a nightmare and they hardly found a spot.  (I'm watching Ace get loaded onto the horse trailer this morning as I write this; he's going for a lesson elsewhere today and he DOES NOT want to load.  Ace is acting an A_ _!).

Adventure calls and I'm headed for the N.C. mountains, back up to Blowing Rock this morning to get my Christmas tree.  I go to the same tree farm every year up in Glendale Springs, NC.  Tim always is just the best helping me load the tree.  I get almost like a kid filled with excitment when I get there.  If I could take all the trees, I would, and I feel so terrible only taking one and leaving the others behind.  My daughter has already been there to get her tree and picked a beauty.  Did you know that the North Carolina tree industry is ranked second in the nation?  Your tree might even come from North Carolina!  Tim does ship his trees.  I saw some last year he was fixing to ship out.  Amazing!!!  I'll put his link at the bottom.  Anyway, I'm staying overnight up there and hope to have a grand time and do a little shopping.  Until then ~ Debi


  1. I wish I had an excuse to get out Friday, too...I was left with the clean up and I don't know if that is any better than fighting the crowds on Black Friday!

    We were going to get out tree yesterday and then my hubs talked me out of it, saying that it would die before Christmas. How do you keep yours fresh?

    I hope you are having a good weekend! And I'm happy you had a nice Thanksgiving!


  2. We used to pick and cut our tree right after Thanksgiving at a tree farm near us in SC. I have great family memories of our quest for the perfect tree!
    It sounds like you have great family traditions!

  3. They tell me Black Friday was the same around here..... My niece said the parking lots were so full police were busy chasing people who were parking on grass islands near Walmart.......
    Can't wait to see your tree..... love a fresh tree!
    Cathy G

  4. Hmmmm. I can smell that beautiful tree from here.

  5. Love cutting our own tree. What a beautiful farm you go to.

  6. Your tradition of tree shopping is something I appreciate. I love the whole idea of going to the same farm each year. As a previous business owner I love return customers that you can rely on each year and enjoy visiting with.
    Have fun shopping too!

  7. Oh I'm so glad that though she had only been loaded a couple of times, Cloud has decided that she likes our trailers. Nothing worse than 1000 lbs of horse that doesn't want to go where you need it to!

    I'm the same way with the trees.... have to look at almost every one of them! And don't even mention fake trees!!! A real tree is the only one for me!
